Fall 2017
INF 385T Special Topics in Information Science
Detailed Course Summary: In this class we'll learn how to learn new technologies. We'll do this in three ways: 1) we'll learn new technologies ourselves (70%), 2) as a studio group, we'll reflect critically on our learning processes (15%), and 3) we'll review some literature (academic and practitioner, formal and informal) on learning techniques (15%). Students will define their own learning goals and projects, over three projects during the course, working both independently or in small groups of people interested in learning same thing). The definition of technology is extremely broad: examples of topics might include a new programming language or paradigm (e.g., object orientation, or model-view-controller), a new data representation (e.g., SQL, RDF, JSON-LD, or XML), new statistical techniques, version control, CAD design, GIS. Physical technologies are also relevant, from 3D printing to working with Arduinos and beyond. The bulk of this class is students learning independently. Students should recognize that the professor is not going to teach these topics---indeed the professor won't know many of the technologies students choose to learn---students are going to teach themselves. Rather, the professor (and other students) are going to help each other reflect on their learning (as well as introduce a few topics of general usefulness). Old Syllabus URL: https://utexas.instructure.com/courses/1176199/assignments/syllabus
Graduate standing.