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Researcher observing remote eye tracking research subject in the iSchool's Information eXperience lab
Research at the iSchool
The study of information extends beyond any existing field. At the iSchool, research transcends boundaries and crosses disciplines in order to understand the ways information and technology change our behavior, our organizations, and our society.

Explore iSchool Research

Research Areas

Research at the iSchool explores the interactions of people and information; the processes of managing and organizing information for meaning and use; and the impact of new technologies and behaviors on individuals, organizations and society.


There are a wide variety of research equipment and lab spaces available at the iSchool.

Grants & Awards

Research funding at the iSchool averages $1-2 million a year, with awards from National Science Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Service, National Endowment for the Humanities, DARPA, Google, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Sloan Foundation.

Virtual Reality & Children's Development

Jakki Bailey discusses her work in the field of virtual reality and the effects these technologies have on child development.

Information & Culture

The School of Information is home to Information & Culture, which publishes original, high-quality, peer reviewed articles examining the social and cultural influences and impact of information and its associated technologies, broadly construed, on all areas of human endeavor.

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