Tanya Clement
Associate Professor, Department of English
Tanya Clement studies the dynamic interplay of digital information systems and scholarly research in the humanities. Just as researchers in science and technology studies (STS) examine how scientists employ
technology and health informatics scholars study the
information-seeking behaviors of patients, Clement conducts research in humanities informatics (Europe) or digital humanities (United States) to investigate the increasing use of digital information systems in humanities scholarship and in cultural heritage
institutions. In her research, she considers the data, algorithms,software, platforms, and networks that comprise digital information systems as co-constructed with the services, practices, and policies
that enable scholarship. Often working colaboratively, she leads teams to build and analyze digital information systems in the humanities,and uses the findings these acitivies generate to advance theory. Her work involves imagining what we don't know by evaluating and
rethinking how scholars and institutions generate, curate, and interpret humanities data in contexts that are constantly shifting due to rapidly changing resources and technologies.
A.B. in American History and Literature, 1994, Harvard University; M.F.A in Fiction, 2000, University of Virginia; PhD in English Literature and Language, 2009, University of Maryland, College ParkAreas Of Specialization
Sound Studies
Digital Humanities
Digital Libraries
Scholarly Information Infrastructure
Literary Study
Humanities Data Curation